Weitere Forschungseinrichtungen
Kostenfreie Online-Datenbank der Carstens-Stiftung zur klinischen Forschung in der Komplement-ärmedizin. Verzeichnet sind rund 16`000 Originalarbeiten und Kasuistiken. Zu den am meisten
verbreiteten Krankheiten und Therapiemethoden lassen sich schnell die passenden Studien fin-den. Das Portal richtet sich an Journalisten, Wissenschaftler, Ärzte, Politiker und
Complementary Medicine Research
This site offers round-the-clock access to peer-reviewed medical research through a unique blend of tailored content, education, and custom consulting.
Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine
The mission of the Academic Consortium is to advance the principles and practices of integrative healthcare within academic institutions. Our membership currently includes over 75 highly
es-teemed academic medical centers, nursing schools, and health systems.
International Society for Complementary Medicine Research
International scientific organization of researchers, practitioners and policy makers that fosters Complementary and Integrative Medicine research and provides a platform for knowledge and
in-formation exchange to enhance international communication and collaboration.